Town & Country Provide Online Heaven

This is the time of year when we see posters and flyers advetising the huge County shows.  The Farmers and countryside attractions are gearing up for their Open Farm days and everyone hopes desperately for hot dry weather!  The farming and country pursuits contingent are still strong around here – in fact the new generations of fans are getting younger and it’s big industry.  Online sites are great for highlighting the fantastic choice from artisan foods to hand made leather goods and everything inbetween.  Shooting parties are a very big source of income for farms that had to diversify in recent years – when the eu demanded we work to quotas for agriculture and livestock farming became unpopular with the tendency towards veganism.  However farm shops and authentuic local food fares have really come into their own to show what excellent quality food and products are available on our doorstep.  They supply via reputable online farm shops too.  I love being between town and country, I get the best of both plus online sites – utter perfection.