Time For Change Of Decor Trends Now Overdue

I have been enthralled watching local properties that have suddenly gone up on the sales market.  Usually there are one or two ‘sold’ boards appear per month – a steady stream of houses change hands.  This last three months has seen an incredible rise in that number.  It is wonderful fun for an avid people watcher like myself.  I make a point of checking the online sites of local agents and note where the latest property sale hopefuls are and just shamelessly goe for walkies in that area.  It is indeed great fun.

I like to be able to see what the folks moving in do with their properties.  some do rip out most of the kitchen and bathrooms immediately, others take their time, assess current trends, and then all do exactly the same as the next bunch of newbies on the block!  New fresh trends are needed to ring changes from endless grey, black and red decorating schemes. Please!