Taking time To Reflect On Summer’s Passing

This is the season for us to sit back and take stock of the spring and summer we’ve just come out of.  Autumn is a wonderful time for me – I was born in this period, so am biased of course.  I do love the way the leaves gradually change colour and softly drop down.  The grass is permanently damp and always vivid green – what you can see under the leafage that is.  My mind turns to the bonfire night parties and ensuring nothing is left unsafe in my garden.  I’m not dead keen on the fireworks aspect these days – all rather too noisy and most other chaps just love those bangers – not me i’m afraid!  I do like a good rummage in a country wares store.  They sell the most wonderful selection of outdoor lanterns and winter barbeque ideas.  Hand and head warming garments that make you appreciate being outside.  And winter tide fare – scrumptious for all the family.