Keeping The Honey, Pale Cream and Cranberry Shades

We all need a change in our surroundings every so often.  There is nothing less stimulating that walking around the same four walls with the same 3 pice suite and curtains.   It would be fun to change evrything around every Spring and back again each Autumn but it seems to be rediculously expensive to decorate each time.  Furnishing trends change gradually but these days one colour that has not shifted from the nation’s palette is grey.  I personally find grey a truly depressing colour, in all its shades and permutations, it makes me feel cold and miserable.  However, when I see my friends’ houses, all very modern, reflecting tastes in the glossy home design magazines, the colour grey is still every person’s chosen shade, by a country mile.  I have steadfastly ignore grey and althogh my furnishings have not been changed for a few years, I am confident my current shades of pale honey carpet, cream leather suite and palest birch wooden items, and gorgeous cranberry pop of colour on some shades and the chimney breast feature, will still feel light and fresh and welcoming in another 10 years time.