Autumn Hues For Clothing & Home Furnishings
It can be such a whirl of acticity when the family holiday has been and gone . . . . and everyone suddenly starts getting ready for autumn and christmas. There is a most definite step change in the atmosphere in the local shopping mall. Today I was pootling around the new range of autumn clothing in one or two very high end stores – being totally ignored as obviously not worthy of the assistants’ time or effort. Well,having bored of the clothing, I found my way to the homewares and furnishing departments – we have two well known brands locally. It’s amazing just how much each season changes the colourways for curtains and bedding combinations. This year is definitely bright greens, in fact any green shade, together with navy, burnt orange and grey – bit of a mixed bag but with a distinctly autumnal feel. Every store reflects these colours in their autumn and christmas range of clothing too. Co-ordination at last.